On February 23rd, Amura, one of the project partners, organized a workshop about the future of composites in the nautical sector. Amura’s role in the project is the production of a pilot product for the maritime sector made of recycled carbon fibre composites. As a boatbuilding company, Amura aims at increasing the circularity of its products, including the use of recycled materials.

57 people were present to hear three of the consortium members taking the floor to explain their roles in the project and talking about current issues linked to the composite sector.
- Gaiker reviewed the new recycling technologies that are being developed for carbon fibre composites in the MC4 project.
- FIDAMC gave an overview of the history and technical evolution of composites materials and explored the applications of composites in the aeronautical sector.
- Finally, Amura explained the current European policies on composite materials, and more particularly the regulations for waste management. Indeed, nowadays, composite materials end up burned or landfilled at the end of their lifespam.

An article was published in the “Faro de Vigo” magazine and is available by clicking on the following link: El círculo verde de los “composites” – Faro de Vigo
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