Carbon fibres composites chemical recycling (Gaiker)

Gaiker Technological Center one of the MC4 project partners is currently doing tests for the chemical recycling of the carbon fibre composites. The process corresponds to a solvolyse which is the long term solution for the recycling of these fibres. This method will allow to obtain the fibres and reuse them as fabric or nonwoven in new composites products.

The link below is a video from Gaiker showing the full process:

MC4 Project | Chemical recycling of cured materials (

The process consists in the solvolyse reaction process where carbon fibre composite is cut and introduced in a round bottom flask with the adequate chemicals. Then, the fibres are recovered and washed off in order to remove any remains of the organic part. Once washed, they will either be turned into new yarns, woven or non-woven matrix. Finally, the organic fraction is recovered.

To learn more about the work Gaiker is doing you can follow these links:



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