RAAK closing meeting
VDL Fibertech Industries, one of the project partners is a Dutch manufacturer of lightweight fibre-reinforced thermoset composites. Their goal in the MC4 project is to manufacture composite parts from mechanically recycled glass-fibre composites, implementing a process of reusing materials for the same purpose in a circular approach. They are doing several dissemination activities to showcase their work and the MC4 project results. As a matter of fact, they recently had the opportunity to present the MC4 project and their work during the closing meeting of RAAK project on reuse of composites in Utrecht on the 3rd of June. This event was organized by Lectoraat Kunststoftechnologie and Albert ten Busschen.
Regarding this event, Zoë van de Pas and Anastasios Iliopoulos got the chance to display the products made of recycled glass-fibre composites and explain how they managed to create such parts. One of the product they were able to manufacture is a bus side wall made of scrap bus side skirt. You can check VDL’s post about it: (1) Publier | Fil d’actualité | LinkedIn

Next actions for VDL
For those interested in the topic of sustainable composite manufacturing VDL will be present during the trade show bus world next October to give a presentation about the MC4 project and their work.
Follow this link if you want to know more about the MC4 project: News and events – MC4 Project (mc4-project.eu)
Follow this link if you want to know more about the work VDL fibertech industries is doing: Toeleverancier van lichtgewicht en klantspecifieke composieten – VDL Fibertech (vdlfibertechindustries.com)
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