CIDETEC work published in a Scipedia article

An article has been published in the Scipedia website about the work CIDETEC is doing.

In the MC4 project, CIDETEC is doing the exploitation of parts of a composite part based on vitrimer epoxy resin, to manufacture new parts of recycled material, adapting the shape to the new demands of the second use case. Together with the physicochemical properties of the composite, the design and definition of the value chain plays an essential role in this strategy.

The article is available by clicking on the following link:

A. Rekondo*, I. Azcune and A. Huegun, Nuevas funcionalidades y oportunidades de reciclado de composites basados en epoxi dinámico, Materiales Compuestos (Online first). URL*_et_al_2023a

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